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Mandl School The College of Allied Health: Dental Ranking 2024

Mandl School The College of Allied HealthRanked
in the USA
Mandl School The College of Allied Health is a very small for-profit college with some focus on the dental program and located in New York City, New York. The college was opened in 1924 and is presently offering certificates in Dental Assisting.

Mandl School The College of Allied Health is a little bit expensive; tuition price varies around $21,000 a year. If you seek a cheaper alternative, check Affordable Colleges in New York listing.

Recent data analysis showed that Mandl School The College of Allied Health area is safe - the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus security.

Based on 60 evaluation metrics, Mandl School The College of Allied Health dental program ranks #493 Dental School (out of 773; top 65%) in USA and #15 Dental School in New York. Major competitors for this college are University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and Columbia University in the City of New York in New York City. See the details about all twelve competing dental colleges and available dental majors below.

Dental programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#15 Dental School in New York
#70 Dental School in the Northeast
#494 Dental School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

Third Best Dental Assisting Program in New York

Regional Ranking

#29 Dental Assisting Program in the Northeast

National Ranking

#243 Dental Assisting Program in USA

More program rankings:

You might be interested in other options to enroll Mandl School The College of Allied Health:
Medical Programs - ranked top 75% in USA
Medical Assistance Programs - ranked top 50% in USA

Contact information:

Mandl School The College of Allied Health
254 W 54th St
New York City, NY 10019-5516
Phone: (212) 247-3434

Location map:

Mandl School The College of Allied Health Location Map

Dental majors:

One but less than two years certificate

Dental Assisting

Local competitors:

University of Pennsylvania - Dental School Ranking
University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA, 15 dental programs

Columbia University in the City of New York - Dental School Ranking
Columbia University in the City of New York

New York City, NY, 10 dental programs

Tufts University - Dental School Ranking
Tufts University

Medford, MA, 17 dental programs

New York University - Dental School Ranking
New York University

New York City, NY, 4 dental programs

Boston University - Dental School Ranking
Boston University

Boston, MA, 27 dental programs

Rutgers University New Brunswick - Dental School Ranking
Rutgers University New Brunswick

New Brunswick, NJ, 12 dental programs

University at Buffalo - Dental School Ranking
University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY, 14 dental programs

University of Maryland Baltimore - Dental School Ranking
University of Maryland Baltimore

Baltimore, MD, 9 dental programs

Temple University - Dental School Ranking
Temple University

Philadelphia, PA, 8 dental programs

Virginia Commonwealth University - Dental School Ranking
Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, VA, 4 dental programs

Touro University - Dental School Ranking
Touro University

New York City, NY, 1 dental program

MCPHS University - Dental School Ranking
MCPHS University

Boston, MA, 4 dental programs

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